Warranty Policy


Use of your Walkoff Wood bat constitutes acceptance of the Walkoff Wood Bat Co. warranty.   


Walkoff Wood Bat Co. offers a 45-day warranty on our Prime Series models.  All bats are hand crafted and inspected for blemishes or defects.  If a bat would happen to break within the 45 days of purchase without evidence of misuse, we will replace the bat with an identical model at no charge. Shipping charges may apply.

All returned bats will be inspected.  If a bat is deemed usable or misused, the bat will be returned with an explanation.  Shipping charges will apply.   Any Prime Series model bat that is returned within the 45 days of purchase will be replaced if the bat is deemed not usable from normal field use.

Warranty does not cover Pro Series models, apparel, or accessories.  Examples of misuse include, but not limited to:

-Hitting anything other than baseballs or softballs

-Exposure to extreme weather conditions over an extended period

-Engraving on the bat other than the factory engraving

-Slamming or throwing of the bat



Visit https://www.wowbats.com/pages/warranty-claim and fill out the online bat warranty form to receive a warranty claim number or call Kevin Kerns at (816) 261-1014. To complete the warranty claim you must send your bat to Walkoff Wood Bat Co. at 3112 Cambridge St, St Joseph MO 64506.  A valid proof of purchase must also be included.

Orders can only be replaced 1 time per bat purchase.  All returns must be received within 7 business days of submitted warranty claim.


Walkoff Wood Bat Co reserves the right to refuse warranty service to any person who abuses its products or warranty policy.

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